I’ve researched, written and delivered a variety of end-products. I’ve worked in and for different departments within several industries throughout my career as a corporate and freelance technical writer.
To give you a better feel for my capabilities and what I’ve accomplished, I’ve grouped my past deliverables by type. Samples can be provided upon request.
Blog/Newsletter Articles
- Health and wellness guest blogs and newsletter articles
- topics include “Oral Health Isn’t Just For Your Smile”, “Heart Health – What You Can Do”
- Spiritual/personal development guest blog articles
- topics include “Seeing the Perfection in the All”, “Are You in Control”, “The Value in Simplicity”, “Why Worry”, “Surrender the Struggle”
Web-Related Content
- Content for paid on-line membership site for spiritual/personal growth website, including
- Exercises designed for self-growth/inner reflection
- Tips, articles, videos
- Theme-based compilations on spiritual/personal growth topics and leaders, including biographies and other information
Brochures, Flyers and Other Communications
- Brochure and companion handbook about ethics, distributed to all staff (see Corporate Guide for Business below)
- Event flyers and emails for spiritual retreats, both informational and marketing
- Policy communications and training of supervisors and HR staff regarding legal issues
- Communications plan for Knox-Keene conversion and various documents for due diligence related to post-conversion acquisitions
- Stakeholder communications for audit programs, findings and regulatory requirements, distributed internally and externally
Manuals/Policies & Procedures
- Provider Policy and Procedure Manual and related materials, distributed to external delegated entities
- Detailed operational and regulatory guidelines for external delegated entities to facilitate compliance with health plan and regulatory requirements
- California Statewide Benefits Administration Policy Manual
- Delineated pricing and claims processing guidelines for member and provider benefits, also maintained on-line version
- Employee Handbooks, Supervisory Manual, Administrative Manual, training materials and other Human Resource documents
- Financial Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual and desk level procedures, including internal controls
- Policies and Procedures for Provider Services, Credentialing and Claims departments
- Operational policies, procedures and training manuals
Compliance Programs and Guidelines
- Corporate Guide for Business and Ethical Conduct and companion Compliance Program Guide
- Outlined ethical conduct in the workplace with a quick-reference brochure, handbook and employee training program; included training employees nationwide
- Fraud Prevention Program, specific to health care industry
- Detailed fraud prevention guidelines, monitoring and reporting; included training of all stakeholders (staff, vendors, delegated entities, medical providers) and managing fraud committee related activities
- Delegated Oversight and Audit Guide
- Laid out audit program in-depth for external delegated entities and internal staff for compliance with state/federal regulations and health plan requirements for claims processing standards; included regulatory reporting and training of delegated entities
- Claims Legal Reference Guide
- Summarized pertinent Federal and State regulations and contractual guidelines for handling and processing Medicaid and Healthy Families claims with legal hierarchy, citations, and key impact on the organization
- Credentialing Program Requirements
- Listed comprehensive policies and procedures for internal staff and delegated entities for compliance with NCQA accreditation standards (NCQA is the premier certifying agency for health plans)
- Pre-Employment Testing Program and Drug Testing Program
- Outlined policies, administrative guidelines and training program; also scripted administrator tasks; included “train the trainer” program
Analytical Reports
- Findings Reports
- Included note-taking and analysis for focus group studies
- Audit Reports and Executive Summaries
- Audits and analyses focused on provider billing practices, claims processing practices, and lender compliance with insurance coverage and documentation requirements
- Work Flow and Process Studies
- Included operational, desk level and backlog analysis for credentialing and claims departments
- Variance Analysis Reports for financial and accounting transactions
Miscellaneous Technical Writing
- Assisted with creation and editing of Discussion Guides for focus group studies and Screener Guides for survey and focus group participant recruitment
- Legal research and document preparation for an Intellectual Property attorney
- Writing and editing assistance for bid proposals in response to RFPs/RFQs for client company
Miscellaneous Freelance Writing and Editing
- Editing blog and newsletter articles for health/wellness and spiritual/personal development companies
- Editing teleclass/retreat handbooks
- Editing web copy
- Ghostwriting a historical non-fiction book with a photographer
As you can see, I get things done! Let’s discuss your goals and objectives and how I can help. Call me or drop me a note today.